Join the fight!

Together, we can end pollution.


How we make a difference.

DeLitter is an environmental media company. We are dedicated to tackling pollution head-on through education, advocacy, and action. We believe in empowering individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools they need to make a difference. Through informative articles, inspiring stories, and engaging campaigns, we aim to raise awareness about the environmental impact of pollution. But education isn’t enough. We also advocate for stricter regulations and hold corporations accountable for their environmental practices. We believe in using our voice to push for positive change. And of course, we’re all about getting our hands dirty! We organize clean-up events and empower citizen participation in creating a cleaner environment. 

DeLitter is more than just a website; it’s a movement. We invite you to join us in building a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.

Join us in creating a pollution-free future!

Our mission is achieved through a 3 pronged approach:


We provide informative and engaging content that sheds light on environmental issues and pollution!


We use our platform to raise awareness and inspire action towards sustainable practices.

Clean Up

We actively participate in clean-up efforts and support initiatives that tackle pollution at its source.

Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier planet for ourselves and future generations. Explore our website to learn more, get involved, and be part of the DeLitter movement!

delitter four plastic bottles on piles of wood on shore


Check out the DeLitter blog!

Join us on a journey to a cleaner planet with DeLitter. Our blog posts are designed to educate and inspire action against pollution. Learn about the latest research, innovative solutions, and how you can make a difference. Together, we can end pollution and create a healthier world for future generations.



We believe in the power of knowledge to spark change. Our articles posts into the science behind pollution, the impact on our planet, and the steps we can take to combat this global issue. We feature stories of hope, progress, and innovation in the fight against pollution. Join us in our mission to educate and inspire a cleaner, greener future.

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